The Fourth of July is here – a time for celebrations, picnics, parties, and fireworks. While this is a fun holiday, the California Highway Patrol, CHP, is reminding Californians to “slow down and celebrate responsibly.” The ultimate goal of the program is to save lives. CHP encourages drivers to watch the road and not to speed. In order to ensure safety, CHP has put into place a Maximum Enforcement Period, MEP. Record travel is expected across the country this summer due to lower gasoline prices.
Maximum Enforcement Period
The MEP will be in place from 6:01 p.m. Friday, June 30 until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 4. The focus will be primarily on speed enforcement. CHP officers will observe drivers who are traveling too fast as well as those who are driving while distracted, not wearing seatbelts and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Officers are particularly concerned about those who have been drinking and driving since this puts others in extreme danger.
DUI Enforcement
DUI enforcement is essential to keeping the roads safe, especially around the Fourth of July holiday. During last year’s July 4th MEP CHP made 1,118 DUI arrests during a 78-hour time period. The Fourth of July holiday is typically a dangerous one on roadways. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA, 751 people were killed in DUI related crashes during the July 4th period from 2011 through 2015.
Last year over the 2016 July 4th holiday 35 people died as a result of accidents on California roads. Of those who died in CHP jurisdiction, 65% were not wearing seatbelts. Wearing a seatbelt is the most effective way to reduce motor vehicle crash fatalities, according to CHP. Seatbelts are required for all passengers in the vehicle. Children must be secured properly in a child safety seat or booster seat according to their weight. Young children are not allowed to ride in the front passenger seat.
Safety on the Road
Drivers must drive defensively on the roads. With many people driving while impaired or distracted, it is important to stay alert. Drive at the posted speed limit. If you spot a driver who may be impaired, you should report the vehicle to the police if you can do so safely. Stay away from vehicles that are driving erratically. If you have been drinking, do not get behind the wheel.
What to Do if You Were Involved in an Accident
If you were involved in a vehicle accident call the police and make a report. If you are injured seek medical attention as quickly as possible. Take pictures of the accident before the vehicles have been moved if you can do so. The police will talk to witnesses and take statements about the accident. If you were severely injured you could be facing large medical bills and other expenses as a result. You may be entitled to compensation from the negligent driver.
It is advisable to speak with a personal injury attorney to determine how to proceed. Contact the experienced legal team at the Law Office of Patrick G. Shea to schedule a consultation today.
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