Parents should be wary of their children playing football. Football is dangerous and, according to studies, it accounts for 56.8% of all concussions in high school sports. In high school football, there are 60 concussions per 100,000 player practices or games. High school football’s concussion rate has continued to increase annually for the past 11 years. What is scary is that concussions are not the only injury concern with football. A couple weeks ago, Donnovan Hill, 18 years of age, died at an Orange County hospital from complications relating to a football injury he sustained when he was 13. He fractured his spine during a football game. This left him nearly completely paralyzed. A lawsuit revealed a blatant lack of safety precautions.

If you or a loved was injured at the fault of another person or entity, it is imperative that you retain an experienced attorney. The Southern California personal injury lawyers at the Law Office of Patrick G. Shea, APC are here for you. Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we will compassionately advise you about your best options and analyze the merits of your case. Because we accept cases on a contingent fee basis, we will collect no fees unless we win.

Attacking Your Case
Hiring an attorney for your case will provide you with peace of mind. The lawyers at Patrick G. Shea, APC thoroughly analyze the relationship between concussions and cognitive degenerative symptoms. These include, but are not limited to:

● Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
● Memory loss
● Depression
● Dementia

Understanding said relationship assists in determining if any entities were negligent in failing to exercise their duties to protect football players. If football players did not receive notice regarding the risk of head injuries, or repeated blows to the head, or were not offered adequate post-conviction medical treatment, the player may be entitled to compensation.

In establishing negligence, the following must be proven by the preponderance of the evidence (by the greater weight of the evidence presented). First of all, the injured party (“Plaintiff”) must show that the party at fault (“Defendant”) breached a specific duty of care owed to Plaintiff. Second, Plaintiff must show that Defendant failed to conform to said duty of care. Third, Plaintiff must show that Defendant’s failure to conform to said duty of care was the legal proximate (foreseeable) or legal cause of Plaintiff’s injury. Fourth, Plaintiff must show that he or she was in fact injured or damaged. Hiring an attorney for your case is important, as he or she will present evidence in effort to establish these elements.

Statute of Limitations
Finally, please be aware that lawsuits based on negligence have a strict time limitation on when they may be filed with the California court of proper jurisdiction. This is termed the “statute of limitations.” In California, you must file your negligence claim within two years from date of injury. Yet, if the injury was not initially discovered, the claim must be filed within one year from when it is, or reasonably should be, discovered. This is termed the “discovery rule.” If you fail to do so, you are most likely barred from a later filing.

Take Action
If you are in the need of legal assistance, it is important that you reach out to the Southern California lawyers at the Law Office of Patrick G. Shea, APC, for a FREE consultation. We will offer practical and clear legal advice that may help you determine the next best steps to take. We will also analyze the details of your case in ways that only experienced attorneys can. If we represent you, we will do so on a contingent fee basis: We collect nothing unless we win your case whether it is a work-related injury or other type of personal injury.


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